
The 66 books of the Bible are the inerrant Word of God, as such, they are our only rule for faith and practice in all things that matter. The whole counsel of God concerning all things necessary for His own glory, man’s salvation, faith and life is set down in the Holy Scriptures. The Bible is most perfect and complete in all respects. We believe that the standards below are helpful and true summaries of the teachings contained in the Bible.

We are a gospel centered church. We confess that Jesus Christ is the only way of salvation. Whoever confesses his sins to God and turns to Jesus Christ by a true faith will be saved. We publish this saving gospel to the lost world in preaching and in evangelism. We affirm that this salvation is by Grace Alone, through Faith Alone, in Christ Alone, according to Scripture Alone, to the Glory of God Alone (the 5 Solas). We affirm the great creeds of orthodox Christianity: The Apostles' Creed, The Nicene Creed and The Definition of Chalcedon.


In history, the Christian church faced corruption for some time. 500 years ago the reformers took Christian faith back to what the Bible says. Along with them we confess that it is God’s grace alone that powerfully regenerates a sinner, enabling him to repent and believe in the Gospel. The reformed church produced helpful confessions providing an overview of Biblical doctrine. These historic confessions are CGC’s statement of faith.

The Belgic Confession
Canons of Dordt
The Westminster Confession of Faith

These creeds have been the confessions of the Reformed Churches all over the world since the Protestant Reformation of the 16th century. God Is Sovereign In Creation and Providence. He spoke and all things came into existence. By His power and wisdom, He continues to uphold and govern the world, and directs it according to His good purpose. He also rules over all creatures, including man, angels and the Devil so that all of their activities are finally subservient to the sovereign and universal kingdom of Jesus Christ.


The Bible teaches that man is dead spiritually. Because of this spiritual deadness, we have no power at all to exercise any faith in God. On the contrary, we constantly resist and oppose the things of God. Without God and resisting God, we have no hope of eternal life. But instead of leaving the whole world to perish in sin, God has chosen a people from eternity to be saved through the death of Jesus Christ. He regenerates their hearts through the Holy Spirit and gives them faith to believe in His Son. God continues this saving work until they finally arrive at His presence in heaven. We confess therefore that our salvation from beginning to end is a work of God’s sovereign grace. To Him be the glory forever and ever, Amen.