We’re moving!
Hello Everyone! Just wanted to inform you all that CGC HAS SHIFTED to a NEW location. Please take note that our new address is as below: 1st Floor, Young Women’s Christian Association (YWCA)8A JALAN MESJID NEGERI11600 PENANG. (Located in between Mesjid Negeri P.Pg & KFC Green Lane We’d love to have you join us at …
CGC Public Worship Commencing
I was glad when they said to me, “Let us go into the house of the Lord.” ~ Psalm122:1 Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord We are excited to inform you that CGC will once again gather publicly for worship starting this coming Lord’s Day, 05 July from 10.30am to 12pm. Let’s gather together …
COVID – 19 Update
Dear Brothers, Sisters, and Friends, Our church premises are currently closed to the public. This is to comply with the Movement Control Order issued by the Government of Malaysia. For the Lord’s Day worship services we are joining our sister church in Singapore, First Evangelical Reformed Church, via their livestream.You are welcome to join us …